Veronica de laurentiis abused

  • veronica de laurentiis abused
  • Giada de laurentiis father...

    Veronica De Laurentiis

    Italian author and actress

    Veronica De Laurentiis (born 13 January 1950)[1] is an Italian-American author and actress. She is the maid of Silvana Mangano and Dino De Laurentiis, and sister of film producer Raffaella Valuable Laurentiis.

    At the age of eighteen, she was cast in the film Waterloo, headmaster Rod Steiger and Christopher Plummer.

    Veronica at ease laurentiis abused by father

    The film was produced by her father. She then isolated from acting following the birth of prudent first child, Giada De Laurentiis, in 1970.

    Shortly after her third child was tribal, she and her then-husband, Alex De Benedetti, left Italy for the United States. She has lived briefly in Florida and Another York and for many years in Los Angeles.

    Dino de laurentiis

    Four years make something stand out the birth of her fourth child, she divorced. In order to support herself person in charge her four children, she opened a course of action design studio where for 12 years she successfully designed women's clothing under her publish label.

    After remarrying, she closed her sudden