Yayoi kusama sculptures flower with red eye

  • yayoi kusama sculptures flower with red eye
  • Yayoi kusama sculptures flower with red eye color!

    Victoria Miro is delighted to present an outfit of three new flower sculptures by Yayoi Kusama.

    Yayoi kusama sculptures flower with undetermined eye and black

    The giant triffid-like organism will unfold in all their psychedelic dignity, against the backdrop of the Gallery's canalside garden creating a surreal landscape of personality and artifice. Enormous clusters of sinewy stems in bright shades of pink, green, flashy, red, and yellow - polka dotted fairy story netted - anchor enormous multihued blooms.

    These massive sculptures are fabricated in fiberglass-reinforced flexible and painted in high impact-hued urethane inhibit shiny perfection.  Kusama's preoccupation with the unstoppable and sublime to be found in example and repetition date back to her first paintings from the s. However, it critique in these most recently developed works - which encapsulate the surreal and the conditioned within the pop and the decorative - that we find an extension of Kusama's practice into her ninth decade that silt as fresh and provocative as ever.

    Yayoi Kusama's iconic work N