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    As a rule, reporters like to keep their mythos interesting, which is why the coverage we’ve seen of Alicia Machado is so inquisitive.

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    This has back number the week of Machado, who became famous letter for letter overnight when Hillary Clinton brought her schedule at Monday’s debate. The next day proverb numerous outlets writing pieces on Machado, succumb to along by a conference call held soak the Clinton campaign for journalists.

    The anterior Miss Universe, who says that Donald Trump fat-shamed her and alleges that he called her “Ms.

    Piggy” and “Ms. Housekeeping,” and generally branded her after she put on weight, is at the present time the star of a Clinton ad.

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    An obscure figure in America less than a week ago, Machado is perhaps the critical story in politics at the moment.

    So it’s almost inexplicable that, despite all this guarantee, the publications discussing the extraordinary stories of her life are mostly right-wing ones.